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62349 Al Qusais, Damascus Street
Al Qusais Plaza,Dubai, U.A.E,
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Ph: +971 4 263 5553
Modern Education

higher goals
with ease.

Flexible Subjects

It doesn't
have to be

Exciting Expereince

is an adventure
to experience.

We recently added Smart Syrian School

A Syrian virtual school that holds the first license from the Ministry of Education in the Republic Syrian Arabic as the first school to teach the Syrian Arabic curriculum remotely. It was established on 8/11/2021 and obtained final license No. /166/ on 3/30/2022.

We teach the Syrian curriculum from the preparatory class to the third secondary school in its two branches Scientific and literary, and we grant regular certificates approved by the Syrian Ministry of Education. We grant a “study” hierarchy for students that enables them to move to and from any school within and outside Syria. We adopt the electronic sounding system for students who do not have academic degrees previous years. We teach in interactive and sophisticated ways with a group of teachers trained in the curricula developed and modern teaching methods.

We also added Ihsan Smart education FZCO – Dubai and Sharjah.

Currently operating in the United Arab Emirates, with branches in Dubai, Ajman and Sharjah. 


We believe that education is the foundation for creating a better future for everyone. We take a holistic approach to education, considering not only academic achievement, but also personal growth and community contribution. Here are the three key points to our approach:

Education for All

We strongly believe that education is a right and not a privilege. We strive to provide equal educational opportunities to students of all backgrounds, including those from marginalized communities and those with learning disabilities. We believe that every student has their own unique strengths and we work to foster these strengths to help them reach their full potential.

Emphasizing Personal Growth

Our approach to education goes beyond just academics. We believe that students should be encouraged to develop personal qualities such as curiosity, resilience, empathy, and adaptability. We create an environment that encourages students to explore their interests and passions, and take risks in pursuit of their dreams. We also prioritize mental health and emotional wellbeing by providing resources to address stress, anxiety, and other challenges that students may face.

Community Engagement

We believe that education plays a crucial role in creating a better society. Our approach includes actively engaging our students in community service projects, as well as fostering a sense of social responsibility and ethical leadership. By encouraging our students to look beyond themselves and be mindful of the needs of others, we hope to create a future generation of compassionate, socially aware individuals who will make a positive impact on the world.

The approach to education is grounded in the belief that everyone has the potential to learn and grow, and that education plays a critical role in shaping a better future. We prioritize equal opportunity, personal growth, and community engagement to help our students become well-rounded, compassionate, and successful individuals.



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A good quality education experience is a transformative journey that empowers individuals and opens doors to endless opportunities. It goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge and focuses on nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and personal growth.

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